Domain Verification

Information regarding verifying and setting up your custom domains inside your dns provider.

With the release of our custom domain support, we have decided to do everything we can to make sure domains aren't abused or falsely claimed. to achieve this we require users to verify a txt record on-top of adding our custom cname record.


if you recently added your domain to our website and need to verify it then follow the steps listed below and we will help get you setup.


even after completing the steps listed below it could take some time for your dns changes to propagate, if you leave our verification page open we will recheck it for you automatically every 2 minutes.

Grab your verification info

This can be found on the /verify page of our website. What you need is the domain and the content.


you should also copy the url and save it for later as it contains the domain param you need to get back here if you happen to leave this page

Head over to cloudflare

Visit your domains dashboard within cloudflare and navigate to the DNS > Records section

Create a new txt record

Click on the blue add record button you need to set up the record to match the information on the verification page, so you want to set the records type to TXT, set the name to @ and set the content to the content shown on your verification page. Example below 👇

Save your changes

Leave the record attributes empty and save your changes, once your changes have saved navigate to caching > configuration and click the purge everything button 👇

now that you have completed the verification process while we wait for the changes to propagate we can head over to the Domain Setup section to setup the needed cname record.

Last updated on